Tablao d'Autore presents: JOSE MALDONADO, CHICUELO, EL LONDRO (E)


Entrance: 28.00€


Price: 5.00€

Streaming not available


Tablao d’autore

The "Tablao d’autore" series, created in 2004 by ArteyFlamenco, is dedicated to that particular form of performance that features solo or small ensemble performances by renowned Flamenco artists, in settings other than large theaters. The idea behind it, then as now, is to present the three fundamental elements of Flamenco—toque (guitar), cante (singing), and baile (dance)—in intimate spaces, offering aficionados authentic, 'pure' performances, free from the superstructures necessary for large stages. The event, which has grown steadily, led in 2009 to the creation of a biennial International Festival/Competition—Flamenco Puro, now held in Jerez de la Frontera—and in 2013, to the organization of a new 'young' version of the series, titled Tablao d'Autore - Nuevas Generaciones. In 2016, the new series #CompartirTablao was born, and since last season, it has also been organized in collaboration with Folkclub. "Tablao d’autore," the original among all the projects, initially proposed on a biennial basis and always organized in collaboration with Folkclub, which from the beginning believed in AYF's Flamenco projects, is one of the most prestigious Flamenco events offered in Turin. It brings together various artists, virtuosos of baile, toque, and cante, each excelling in their discipline, who have the ability to create a rare level of balance on the tablao. With the desire to continue this well-established collaboration, AYF & Folkclub have decided to offer this special evening every season, eagerly awaited by Flamenco enthusiasts and curious newcomers alike. In recent editions, we have "raised the bar," offering our audience three outstanding performers in baile, cante, and music. In this 2024 edition, we have the honor of hosting Jose Maldonado in baile, a young artist now firmly established, who has graced the world's most prestigious stages. A bailaor and choreographer from Barcelona, Maldonado is a unique figure, having adopted Art as a way of life since childhood. A multifaceted artist, he is a bailaor, dancer, and painter, and his versatility allows him to blend Flamenco, dance, and creation with impressive naturalness. In addition to an impeccable technique, finely blended with a high-level stylistic and rhythmic taste, he possesses a strong personality that captivates everyone on stage, from experts to novices. Jose is considered one of the most significant emerging artists on the current scene, capable of delivering traditional and pure Flamenco, while also infusing it with a highly personal and contemporary touch, a hallmark of today’s great figures. On the Folkclub stage, individual dances will alternate with moments of cante and music, featuring two outstanding musicians in this edition: El Londro on vocals, a unique voice, an artist with an "antique" flavor, a cantaor of unparalleled Flamenco purity, who has always accompanied only the most prestigious figures in the Flamenco world. On guitar, we welcome back the highly esteemed Chicuelo: a powerful guitarist with rare elegance, refinement, and technique. Eclectic and among the most experienced in accompanying Flamenco dance as well as a solo concert performer, Chicuelo was the first guitarist—already a leading figure in Flamenco guitar—to be invited to the 1st Flamenco Festival organized in Italy, "FlamencA," right here in Turin in 2003, by Folkclub & ArteyFlamenco. Hosting these three figures of Flamenco, spoken of with admiration and respect among enthusiasts for their technical skills, artistic generosity, and impeccable Flamenco purity, is an honor and a source of excitement for us. Tablao d’Autore aims to remain a window onto the most genuine form of Flamenco representation, and this format, in a perfect blend of "history" and personal notes, manages to tell its Flamenco story with truth, without filters, making us feel privileged to host it among us and "breathe" it up close. A great evening is in store, unmissable as always at Folkclub, where the quality of the offerings is high and rich in authenticity.

Information on the Workshop and ticket pre-sales:
Arte Y Flamenco Association (
Internship booking:

NB: Ticket pre-sales will only take place online on Liveticket from early november.

FolkClub it's equipped with an air purification system with European certifications of the highest level: the NIVEUS NV100 by NETCO; a machine guaranteed for the air purification of an area of ​​120 square meters (the club room is 100 square meters) from any pathogen, virus, allergen, bacteria and micro-dust in suspension, thanks to a high grade U15 ULPA filter density that blocks harmful particles, a UV-C ray sterilization chamber that sterilizes all microorganisms and an activated carbon filter that further purifies the air before re-introducing it into the environment. Several tests performed on NETCO's NIVEUS NV100 in Italian and European laboratories have confirmed and documented its remarkable purification performance and compliance with the highest quality and safety standards.
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